Practical Application of FETI (In-Person)

In the in-person Practical Application of the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview course you will apply and practice the elements of the FETI Framework™️ (and Methodology) – both as a facilitator and participant of an interview.


While there are no prerequisite courses for the Practical Application of FETI Course (In-person), it is highly recommended to have prior knowledge of the FETI Methodology from one of the following learning courses:

Important: Attending this practice course without prior knowledge of the FETI Methodology (from a learning course) will significantly impair your success during this course. While our faculty will review some of the components of the FETI Methodology during the course, there is an expectation to have knowledge of FETI prior to attending.

Course Dates

- See our calendar for training dates for this course.
- 3 consecutive days of training (8 hours per day).

Online Course

Portland, Oregon: Practical Application of the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview (In-person)

Online Course

Portland, Oregon: Practical Application of the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview (In-person)

About This Course

Certified FETI’s Practical Application of the Forensic Experiential Trauma Interview Course provides attendees with instruction over three in-person days (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) that includes:

  • applying and demonstrating the FETI skill sets learned during the FETI Methodology Course
  • participation as an interviewer and participant in multiple interviews each day under the guidance and instruction of a CFP-A instructor
  • facilitated review of conducted interviews

Each attendee will participate in multiple Forensic Experiential Trauma Interviews, both as a participant and an interviewer, to enhance their understanding and skillset of the FETI methodology. Throughout the course, each student will continue to develop and practice the knowledge, skills, and abilities obtained from the prerequisite courses, the FETI Methodology course (online) or the Introduction to FETI course (in-person).

This course does not certify an attendee in FETI®. Certification is optional and not required to utilize the FETI Methodology in a professional role.


This course requires completion of all classroom instruction, interviews, and assignments. It is important to review all dates and times for this training course prior to registration as missing any part of the course will result in not being able to receive a certificate of completion. Due to the nature of the training there are no opportunities to make up missed course instruction, interviews or assignments.

All trainings are conducted in English. Contact the help desk for options to attend training in another language before registering. Certified FETI strives to make all of our training events accessible to everyone. If you require an accommodation, you must advise us in advance of any needed auxiliary aids or services.

Non-participating attendees will be removed from the course with no refund of registration fee.


During the Practical Application of FETI course you have the option (not required for course participation or certificate) to purchase a Personal Experience Interview (PEI) to enhance your in-person learning.

More details are provided about the PEI interview in the Marketplace.


This course includes the optional submission of written answers to self-paced learning assignments and tasks. You should be proficient with word processing or other productivity applications.


Due to the limited capacity of these events we are unable to refund a token or move you to another cohort if you are currently assigned to a cohort that is within sixty (60) calendar days of starting. We are required to maintain very strict attendance policies at Practical Application of FETI Courses as each attendee directly impacts another attendee’s ability to complete their interviews and coursework.

Due to these requirements, there is no ability to accommodate last minute changes or absences for any reason. This includes court subpoena, work obligations or other commitments that conflict unexpectedly with the cohort agenda. You are highly encouraged to determine your ability to make yourself unavailable with courts and employers prior to selecting a seat in a cohort. Missing any portion of the instructional sessions removes you fully from the remaining portion of the course without refund of your course token.


  • Prerequisite: The FETI Methodology course or the Introduction to FETI course must be successfully completed prior to the start of the course.
  • Attendees must be present for the entire training, complete all coursework and fully participate in all exercises, discussion, and their Personal Experience Interview to continue in the course and receive a certificate of completion.
  • All cancellations must be submitted online through the Certified FETI® Portal more than 60 days before the course begins.
  • This training may contain content that depicts graphic images, video, and other media.
  • No dress code. Attendees are encouraged to adhere to their organization’s policy if applicable.

Course Objectives

  • Apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities from the FETI Methodology in a practice environment with intensive instruction and evaluation
  • Participate in an online Personal Experience Interview conducted by an Advanced FETI Practitioner

Course Outline

Read our full course documentation in our library.

View Documentation
Practical Application of FETI In-person Course Illustration | Certified FETI


Practical Application of FETI (In-Person)

Intensive practice and instruction of the FETI Interviewing technique with advanced Instructors

Purchase Course
You can select and enroll in an event once the course has been purchased